At SSK our ethos is to constantly be looking to develop our understanding of the martial art of karate – both students and instructors. So on the 7th March we ran a Pinan Application Course for all members, where we revisited and picked apart the practical application of the Pinan Katas.
These katas are usually lower grade exercises due to their short and repetitive nature, however they contain a multitude of defensive principles and self-defence techniques that are often overlooked. The solo performance of kata is the memory aid to allow you to practice in the absence of a partner. On their own they’re not complete, but they do help develop muscle memory and refine technique while strengthening the body.
Over the 3 hour course, Head Instructor Steve Nelson, moved through the flowing partner drills of each kata that gave an explanation of each technique and how they can be interpreted to real life practical application. These drills are included in our adult syllabus, but are excellent tools for children who are mature enough to only use them responsibly.
The drills covered lots of ideas such as: